Are Dragons Profitable in September 2020? – Hypixel Skyblock

With the Skyblock 0.9 Update, and the introduction of Booster Cookies, a lot has changed with the Dragon market. First off, most dragon-related items spiked in price, likely due to the influx of newer players purchasing Booster Cookies and earning money that way.

Booster Cookies on Dragon Profits

Currently Booster Cookies are sold on the Bazaar for roughly $850,000 coins. However, Summoning Eyes are sold on the Bazaar for roughly $650,000-$700,000 coins depending on when you buy or sell. With this change, the paying playerbase now has access to the late-end game armor sets including Strong Dragon Armor, and Superior Dragon Armor. Furthermore, Aspect of the Dragons prices have increased from under $2,400,000 coins to nearly $3,750,000 coins. Since summoning eyes used to cost $600,000 each previously, one Aspect of the Dragons now pays off for more dragons than before. Same with nearly other Dragon Armor except for Protector and Old.

Overall, Booster Cookies made the demand for Dragon items go up, increasing the prices.

Our Experience Doing Dragons

We tracked every single dragon that we did, and this is our result.

As you can see, Dragons are quite profitable over time. If you do them in short bursts, they’re likely not to be profitable. Around our 200th dragon, we got no superiors for a very long time, and was on a long streak of no profits.

On Dragon 168, our internet died during the Superior Dragon. So, we earned no money there.

The graph shape is a downward-sloping graph with sudden huge jumps upwards.

Assuming that you and a random dragon party can do dragons roughly every 2-3 minutes, you could be making on average, up to 8.5m/hr, assuming average Superior Dragon luck. However, if you’re a bit slower, you could be getting closer to $5-6m/hr.

The reason why most people aren’t able to do this is because you must be in the late/end-game to be able to earn money in this fashion. The equipment we use is ridiculously expensive. The Elegant Tuxedo set costs at least $75m coins, an Ender Dragon pet costs at least $200m coins, and the sword itself costs at least $50m coins. This doesn’t include Talismans, money spent leveling up your slayers, etc.

If you want to see what gear we use, click HERE to jump down to that section.

2 Eyes or 4 Eyes?

Place 2 eyes if you have good gear and can get in the top ~5, though it would be best if you can place top 2 most of the time. If not, placing 4 eyes is probably better, to get enough Dragon Weight to roll for the armor pieces, Aspect of the Dragons, and pets.

In our data, we placed 2 eyes most of the time. We only placed 4 eyes a total of 9 times. Generally, placing 2 is more efficient. However, the 1 eye strategy is also viable, where you place 1 eye and always get top damage. You can roll for leggings, helmet, and boots, but you can never roll for the Dragon Pet, Aspect of the Dragons, Chestplate, or any of the Reforge Stones using the 1 eye strategy.

Which Dragons Are Most Common?

From our data, this was how many of each dragon type we fought.

Dragon Type Total Fought Percentage
Old 62 14.76%
Protector 57 13.57%
Unstable 60 14.29%
Wise 60 14.29%
Strong 74 17.62%
Young 85 20.24%
Superior 22 5.24%
Total 420 100.00%

As you can see, it seems that Old, Protector, Unstable, and Wise Dragons all roughly have the same spawn rate. It appears that Strong and Young Dragons are slightly more common, however, that could just be luck that they were more frequent than others.

What Place?

From all 420 of our dragons, here was our placement:

Placement Total Times Percentage
1 200 47.73%
2 130 30.95%
3 59 14.08%
4 17 4.06%
5 5 1.19%
6 3 0.72%
7 2 0.48%
8 3 0.72%
Total 419 100%

Again, our internet died on Dragon 168 (Superior), so we can’t count that in our placements.

Placing first does give you more dragon weight, allowing you to get more Aspect of the Dragons. When placing 2 eyes, you must be in the top 2 to roll for the Aspect of the Dragons.

Aspect of the Dragons Drop Chance?

We placed in the top 2 331 times. Out of those 331, 12 top 2’s were during a Superior Dragon. So, those 12 times will not be included in the calculation, as you cannot roll an Aspect of the Dragons on a Superior.

Throughout all 420 dragons, we only got 32 Aspect of the Dragons, all of them obtained in either 1st or 2nd place.

During the Superior Dragons, we placed first 6 times, and second 6 times.

Placement Number of Times Placed Number of Aspects Chance
1 194 24 12.4%
2 125 8 6.4%

Thus, we approximate that your Aspect of the Dragons chance is roughly 1/10 for us, as we got 32 out of 319.

Dragon Horn Chances?

We only got the Dragon Horn from 4 of our 21 Superiors (again, our internet died during one of them).

When placing 2, you can only get the Dragon Horn if you get first place. We’re lucky not to receive the Dragon Claw from the Superior Dragon, because that would be a massive loss.

From our data, it appears that if you place first, there is a 1/3 chance that you’ll get the horn.

Superior Dragon Placement
(2 eyes)
Number of Times Loot
1 2
Dragon Horn
Superior Dragon Chestplate
Superior Dragon Leggings
Superior Dragon Boots
2 4
Superior Dragon Chestplate
Superior Dragon Leggings
3 1
Superior Dragon Chestplate
Superior Dragon Leggings
4 1
Superior Dragon Leggings
5 1
Superior Dragon Helmet
Superior Dragon Leggings

When you place 4, you don’t want to get too high of a placement on a Superior Dragon otherwise you’re more likely to get the horn. As you can see from this data, placing 2nd is the best.

Below is when we placed 4 eyes for fun. We barely did any damage in order try to not get the horn. However, we still ended up getting it…

Superior Dragon Placement
(4 eyes)
Number of Times Loot
7 1 Dragon Horn
8 1
Dragon Horn
Superior Dragon Chestplate

To explain why we have 22 entries for Superior Dragon loot is because both my Co-op and I placed 4 4 for memes, and it was a Superior Dragon. We got Horn and Chestplate from it, and but counted that as the same dragon.

Fragged Chances?

From all 420 of our dragons, we only got “fragged” 12 times. Getting fragged means that no armor pieces, weapons, or pets drop. Usually, this is due to not having enough dragon weight to roll for the better loot, or when some person who didn’t place gets to damage. When that happens, it’s possible that they get the Helmet or Boots, meaning that at least 1 of the 4 people who placed eyes will get a Dragon Scale/Claw, or they get fragged. This is because if the top damager gets the boots or helmet, second place almost never gets fragged.

Here’s all 12 instances of when we got fragged:

  • Superior Dragon, 4th place (Dragon #8)
  • Strong Dragon, 2nd place (Dragon #66)
  • Young Dragon, 8th place (Dragon #70)
  • Wise Dragon, 2nd place (Dragon #79)
  • Wise Dragon, 2nd place (Dragon #80)
  • Wise Dragon, 3rd place (Dragon #258)
  • Protector Dragon, 3rd place (Dragon #260)
  • Unstable Dragon, 3rd place (Dragon #262)
  • Strong Dragon, 3rd place (Dragon #301)
  • Old Dragon, 3rd place (Dragon #332)
  • Wise Dragon, 4th place (Dragon #340)
  • Young Dragon, 5th place (Dragon #405)

It doesn’t happen very often assuming you place near the top, but it’s really sad when it does.

How Much Profit Do You Make?

Assuming you place 2 eyes each time, here’s the approximate profit you would currently make from any piece. We assume eyes are at $675,000 each.

Loot Approximate Profit
Travel Scroll to the Dragon’s Nest -$1.33m
Any old/protector piece -$1.25m
Any Unstable Piece -$1.1m ~ -$1.2m
Any Wise Piece -$800k ~ -$900k
Any Young Piece -$400k ~ -$800k
Any Strong Piece -$250k ~ -$600k
Dragon Scale/Claw -$750k
Aspect of the Dragons $2.4m
Dragon Horn $9.6m
Superior Dragon Boots $10.8m
Superior Dragon Helmet $13.4m
Superior Dragon Leggings $19.3m
Superior Dragon Chestplate $21.3m

The old/protector pieces you should just sell to the shop NPCs because no one wants to buy them. When you get most dragon loot, I highly recommend that you BIN the item instead of auctioning it. Additionally, you should BIN the item for 1 coin less than the current lowest BIN. If you undercut the lowest BIN by $100k coins, that’s a loss on your end. All you need is to set up a price lower by 1 coin, in order to maximize your profits.

Never Auction Most Things

The reason that we don’t auction the item is for two main reasons.

First off, there are plenty of YouTube Videos where people go around “flipping” items from the Auction house. This is done by bidding slightly under the lowest BIN price, so that if someone was to outbid, they would be paying more than the lowest BIN price. So, auctions will lose you slightly more money. Additionally, setting up an Auction minimum bid is much more expensive than setting up a BIN price. So, I highly recommend using BIN instead of Auction, except for certain items such as pets.

What Gear Did We Use?


From our previous posts, we bought a non-tier boosted Ender Dragon pet. However, I never showed you what gear we use.

  • Renowned Tarantula Helmet (Recombobulated)
  • 3/4 Renowned Elegant Tuxedo (Recombobulated)

We decided to use an emerald blade, with roughly $180m in our purse. The new Booster Cookie allows us to not have to worry about losing coins on death anymore, so it’s fine to carry large amounts of money on you. Even at $180m, it still does more damage our previous weapon, the Aspect of the Dragons.
This one came with Dragon Hunter 5. We tested both an Aspect of the Dragons with and without Dragon Hunter 5, and it appears to have no effect. No idea whether or not the Dragon Hunter enchant is bugged or not, but we don’t notice any big damage increase/decrease with or without it.

Our bow is the same one that we used in our rend video.


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