Discord.js Bot Hypixel Bazaar Price Checker – Behind the Scenes

Over the past few weeks, I’ve been working on coding a Discord Bot with both fun commands, and moderation commands. As I’m playing around with the Discord.js library, I learned a ton of neat things about working with it.

Here it is, in case you want to see it.

I wanted to get my bot to get Hypixel Skyblock Bazaar data. However, accessing the Hypixel API can be quite obscure and confusing if you’ve never done it before. So, to save you the trouble, I’ll share with you how my bot pulls bazaar data from the Hypixel API.

Note: We’ll be using JavaScript for this, as we are using Discord.js.

Installing Dependencies

I’m going to assume you’re using using npm, and that you’ve already set up your project file using npm.

To fetch things from a website, we’ll be using the node-fetch package.

Go ahead and install node-fetch. Navigate to your project folder and
npm install node-fetch. You’ll know that it installed correctly when it appears as a dependency in your package.json file.

Next, you’ll want to make sure that you actually use node-fetch in your code:
const fetch = require(‘node-fetch’);

Getting the Response

Now that you have that set up, make sure that you have an API key from Hypixel. You can obtain one by logging into the server and typing in /api new.

In your code, you’ll want to set up something similar to the following:

let api_key = "YOUR_API_KEY";
let product_id = "PRODUCT_NAME_HERE";

    .then(response => response.json())
    .then(data => {
        // Do something with the data here.

Your API key should be kept private. Make sure that wherever you decide to store your API key, that it doesn’t accidentally get uploaded onto github if you decide to publicly share your code.

An example of what you could do with the data is to compute the “flipping profit” or how much you’d make by setting up a buy order, then setting up the item as a sell order.

You can access the buy order prices with data.product_info.quck_status.buyPrice.
You can access the sell order prices with data.product_info.quck_status.sellPrice.
Now, just subtract the sell price from the buy price and you’ve got profit. You’ll have to take the 1% selling tax into account, but hey, you created a basic bot to tell you the profits of the items.

You can see my usage of this here.

Unofficial Documentation

data is basically the parsed json object returned whenever you send the request. The official documentation for it can be found here. Note all of this data is read-only, so you can’t change any of the data.

I really liked the Discord.js-style of documentation, so I’m going to attempt to mimic it here, to make it easier to read.


Properties Methods



True if the fetch request was successful.
Type: ?boolean


True if the fetch request was successful.
Type: product_info



Properties Methods



The current top 30 buy orders.
Type: BazaarTransaction[]


The current top 30 sell orders.
Type: BazaarTransaction[]


The stats that most users care about.
Type: quick_status


Properties Methods

The number of items in the transaction order.
Type: ?number


The price per item in the transaction order.
Type: ?number


The number of transaction orders offered at this price.
Type: ?number


Properties Methods

The name of this product.
Type: string


The weighted average of the top 2% of sell orders, by volume.
Type: ?number
Usage: This is the instant-buy price you see in the Hypixel Bazaar.


The current number of items offered in all sell orders combined.
Type: ?number


The number of transactions from the last 7 days.
Type: ?number


The count of active sell orders.
Type: ?number


The weighted average of the top 2% of buy orders, by volume.
Type: ?number
Usage: This is the instant-sell price you see in the Hypixel Bazaar.


The current number of items offered in all buy orders combined.
Type: ?number


The number of transactions from the last 7 days.
Type: ?number


The count of active sell orders.
Type: ?number

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