Coliseum in Fire Emblem Heroes

As mentioned in previous post, there are some competitive aspects in Fire Emblem Heroes. In some game modes, players’ scores are is ranked against other’s scores. Thus, creating the competitive nature.

Here’re the pros and cons of each of the competitive game mode in Coliseum of Fire Emblem Heroes.


This is the oldest competitive mode in the game. Basically, players use a team of 4 heroes to randomly play other player’s defense team of 4 heroes. 4 against 4. In order to maximize the score, the team must include at least 1 bonus hero and that bonus hero must defeat at least 1 defender. Score varies for each type of heroes, number of merges, skills and seals used. Plus matchmaking score is also somewhat randomized between -2 to +12 of Base Team Score.


  • Up to 6 orbs weekly rewards (5 from highest tier + 1 from playing the arena)
  • Steady feathers rewards


  • Score is highly inflated (due to prisoner’s dilemma)
  • Can be frustrating gameplay due to needing to win 5 games in a row and have to use bonus hero to defeat at least 1 enemy per game
  • Fishing high score is not fun and very time consuming. Basically, we spend a sword, have to select 1 of the 3 random teams where the score are fluctuated between -2 to +12 of your team score. If the score if low, we surrender. Then, repeat the process. We have 3 swords per day. Once the 3 swords are used, we have to spend a crest to replenish the swords. Repeat the process again over and over until we get the maximum score we can get. Make sure you win 5 times in a row while doing the fishing process.
  • Highly competitive. Only top 30% ranked players in highest tier get to stay in that tier. Any players not in the top 30% rank will drop to tier 20 and get 1 less orb and fewer feathers

Arena Assault

Arena assault is very similar with the arena game mode where players use a team of 4 heroes to randomly play against other’s defense team of 4 heroes. However, in this game mode, players have to win 7 arena assault games in a row. Players are not allowed to split the gameplay (such as play and win 2 games today and continue the progress on other day). Gameplay must be finished in 1 seating. We can’t switch to play other game mode once the arena assault is started.

The first game is very similar to the arena. Start with a team of 4 heroes and randomly play other player’s defense team. Once you win a game, the game allow us to see the next defense team we have to play and choose the heroes we want to use to defeat that team. It’s easier if you think about it. We can choose the heroes that can counter the defender. Player can also use 3 special items in the game. However, it’s not as easy as it sounds, especially if you want to get the highest score for better rank and better rewards.

Maximum possible score is determined based on the team used in the 1st arena assault game. In order to maximize the score, players must use heroes that have been confer the blessing that match the current week’s blessing. For instance, if this week is earth, water, light and dark blessing season, then players get extra score if they use heroes that have either earth, water, light or dark blessings conferred to them.

Arena assault is the only competitive game mode that I haven’t been in the highest rank bracket. I have yet to get the highest reward in this game mode. I have to build a higher scoring team if I want to get there. My current highest rank is about 1,100.


  • Good amount of feathers reward
  • Refining stone and sacred coins rewards
  • Can choose heroes after seeing the defender
  • Can use special items up to 3 times


  • Time consuming as we have to play 7 games in a row in 1 seating
  • Score fluctuation is similar to the arena game mode. So, requires fishing and luck in order to get the higher score
  • Need to have a deep lineup of heroes. Since max score is determined in the 1st game, players will face the defense team as strong as the defense team in the 1st game. So, if we fought a defense team of four +10 heroes with expensive skills and seals in the 1st game, we will face similar team 7 times in a row. As of this time, I don’t have a deep lineup of heroes. I only have five +10 heroes. As a result, I have to use my many unmerged heroes to fight against a team of four +10 heroes in most of my arena assault games.
  • We can use any hero only once in a game, but we can face the same defender multiple times. For example: if I use L!Marth in the 1st arena assault game, I can’t use him in game 2-7. However, I can face the same defender (such as W!Sothis) up to 7 times, from game 1-7. We need multiple heroes to counter the current meta in the game.

Allegiance Battle

In this game mode, players use a team of 4 heroes. The last hero in your team will get pair-up with a hero from your friends list. As for the other 3 heroes, players may choose to use Legendary Heroes that have the pair-up feature. So, if players have multiple heroes that have the pair-up feature, players may be able to use up to 8 heroes, but only 4 heroes active at a time. Players may be able to switch which hero to use in each turn. Game starts with 4 enemies. Then 2 enemies reinforcement appears. Then another 4 enemies reinforcement appear. So, total enemy is 10. There’s a turn limit to complete the game.

Scoring is somewhat similar to the arena scoring, but with a twist. Base score follows the arena score. However, players will get bonus score if we defeat enemy with heroes that have advantage, i.e. use red heroes to defeat green heroes. Players will get additional bonus if the pair-up heroes are the one that defeat the enemy. Max bonus for defeating enemies is 150. There are also additional score of synergy, friends score, etc.


  • Pretty good feathers reward
  • Interesting game play with pair up heroes
  • Pretty easy to get the max score reward
  • Can be played multiple times without paying stamina or other resource. Just make sure you have lots of friends


  • Need to have heroes with pair up feature
  • Some maps can be really frustrating

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