I’ve been yoyo-ing between tier 21 and 20 in Fire Emblem Heroes since I first made tier 21 a couple months ago. This week, I thought I gave it a try to make a run to stay in tier 21. I’m not so sure if I can make it or not. Based on the arena score calculator, my max score ranges from 738 to 752. Defense score is 740. I thought that if I could get 752 score plus all bonus, I should be able to make it. So, I gave it a try.
As I mentioned in the previous post on my tier 21 arena run, fishing for high score is not easy. I thought that I should record all of my arena pull to see the score distributions. So, here it is. I spent about 100 swords fishing the score to complete my arena run.
I’m quite surprise at the outcome. I only get a max score 752 once. It’s a game. Shouldn’t it be evenly distributed? Why is the distributions so bad? Why is it skewed to left? No wonder that many people on reddit dislike fishing the arena score.
Or, could it be that this is just my bad luck? Next time that I make another arena run, I’ll try to record the score again to see if this is the norm that I should expect.
How’s your arena score luck?