Improve Your Chances Of Catching MewTwo Tips – Pokemon GO

So far, I’ve battled in 6 EX Raids. From these raids, we can have a chance to catch a MewTwo.


However, there are things you, and your fellow trainers can do to improve your chances of catching the MewTwo.


1. Make Sure You’re Stocked Up on Golden Razz Berries

GoldenRazzBerries-sirknightjGolden Razz Berries are very important for catching Mewtwo. Golden Razz Berries increase your chances of catching by 2.5x, which means that Mewtwo’s catch percentage increases from roughly 6% to around 15%.

2. Make Sure Your Psychic Medal Is Maxed

PsychicMedal-sirknightjHaving this medal will increase your chances of catching MewTwo by 3% per ball, which is a lot. Having 10 balls will increase your chances by 30%, assuming you hit every single ball.

3. Be Patient

Timing your throw to just after MewTwo does their swipe attack will make sure that you hit every single ball. You may need it. On my first Mewtwo, I caught it on the very last ball. If you miss a single ball, that will reduce your chances of catching MewTwo by a whole lot. Be patient and wait for MewTwo to do their attack, rather than being impatient and throwing whenever.

4. Learn To Throw The CurveBall

A majority of players find curveballs difficult. Practicing these makes perfect.

Throwing a curveball increases your chances of catching by 1.7x, which can make a difference. This stacks with all of the other bonuses.

5. Throw Excellents, or at least Greats

To throw an excellent at Mewtwo, the circle must be just below Mewtwo’s ears. If you’re under that, you’ve thrown an excellent. This also greatly increases your chances of catching MewTwo. this provides more info on the increase in catch chance.

chances of catching mewtwo

Wondering your chances of catching?

6. Get Multiple EX Raid Passes

If one runs away, you at least have another one to try! Mewtwo should be much easier to catch than other Legendary Pokemon. The default catch rate for Legendary pokemon is 2%, but Mewtwo’s is 3x higher.

Here’s what happens if you have multiple ex raid passes.

multiple ex raid passes again sirknightjmultiple ex raid passes sirknightj

7. Don’t Panic

Treat Mewtwo just like any other pokemon, don’t panic, it’s fine, you’ll always be able to get another ex raid pass.

When you’re nervous, your hand becomes shaky, which makes it harder to throw excellents.

8. Split Up Into Teams

EX Raid Gyms send around 40 invitations, and there’s bound to be more than one of each color. Joining the people in your team rather than having everyone join the public one will give you three extra balls, since your team will have 100% contribution.

9. Take Over The Gym

If your team has control over the gym, your team gets 2 extra balls each. This means that you get more balls.

Arrive 30-45 minutes early and use Golden Razz Berries to defend the gym. Remember that each Pokemon can only be fed 10 golden razz berries per player, so coordinate with other teammates to defend the gym.


Good Luck to Catching Mewtwo!



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