A few days ago, I received an EX Raid Pass from a Machamp Raid. This finally means I can have a chance at getting a Mewtwo!
Here is what one looks like in your inventory:
I was really surprised when I got it. I have been participating in a lot of raids at the Bellevue Downtown Park, and after spending over 6 hours in raiding over there, we got this EX raid pass from our first raid over here.
Raiding Day
On Saturday, March 10, 2018, we all went to the Crossroads Mall, since the community center is really close to it. We arrived at around 3 PM and caught nearby Pokemon there.
When we arrived, the gym was already in our team’s control, which meant that if we saw that it would be attacked, we would feed it.
At around 4, we saw that it was being attacked, so went there. We were hanging out in the food court of the mall, listening to the Irish performances that they had that day.
Here was the gym, by the way.
Right Before The Mewtwo Raid
A bunch of people arrived. Somewhere around 35 people arrived. Obviously, we all wanted the highest chances of catching Mewtwo. Some more people started attacking the gym, so we continuously fed the Pokemon inside Golden Razz Berries.
Feeding normal berries to a defending Pokemon is useless, since it decays over time. Feeding a Golden Razz Berry to a Pokemon inside a gym will completely restore it’s HP/CP.
We fed coordinated the feeding of the Pokemon to ensure that berries weren’t wasted. However, this doesn’t really matter, as almost everyone has way more Golden Razz Berries than they will ever use realistically. Because of us defending the Gym, we ended up receiving three extra Premier Balls.
The Mewtwo egg is a 5* egg, and you can’t tell that it’s a Mewtwo, unless you have the raid pass. This means that if you’re waiting for the egg to hatch in anticipation, you’ve basically wasted your time if you don’t have the pass.
The Mewtwo Raid Battle
One of the Valor members there said that this raid gave the player 20,000xp, so I used a Lucky Egg so I could double it to 40,000.
We had 11 people as team Valor, out of the 35. The Mewtwo actually was pretty easy with 11 people. However, with the Mewtwo at half health, another Valor member showed up, so we all backed out to battle again.
I ended up losing around 2.5 Pokemon.
The Catching Part
I watched THIS VIDEO beforehand, which helped me a lot. I used to use the strategy where you would cycle between throwing Nanab berries and Golden Razz Berries. However, upon further research, that is very inefficient, despite making sure that we’ll land every single one of our Premier Balls.
Thanks to that video, I only had to waste 6 Premier Balls (out of 12).
See HERE for where I got these numbers.
The base catch rate for Mewtwo is 6%. However, the chances are increased for every single bonus you apply. A curve ball gives a 1.7x multiplier. A golden razz berry gives a 2.5x multiplier, compared to the 1.5x multiplier of the normal razz berry. Additionally, I threw all greats, because that was what I was comfortable with.
Apparently, a Premier Ball has the same catch rate as a Pokeball, so you could say that you caught Mewtwo with a normal Pokeball.
My brother, who I was also playing with, caught his on the very last ball. My Mewtwo, sadly, was not 100 IV. It ended up being around 89%.
Still, though, I’m pretty happy I finally caught a Mewtwo. Sadly, though, you can’t put Mewtwo in a gym.
Here’s what the Mewtwo looks like in your Journal:
Here’s what the Gym looks like after an EX Raid:
Here’s another look at the Gym:
Well, that’s been my Mewtwo raiding experience. I wish you all the best of luck getting EX Raid passes and catching Mewtwo for yourself!