Tempest Trials – Less Than Heroic Strategy

In the Less Than Heroic Tempest Trials, I’ve been using my amazing Reinhardt, Brave Lyn, Clarine, and Olivia Team to destroy the tempest trials.

My Team:

Tempest Trials Team Less Than HeroicThis is how I cleared the tempest trials nearly every time on the hardest difficulty (Lunatic 7 Battles in a row). Lyn is a bonus unit, which means she gets +10HP, and +4Atk/Spd/Def/Res, which is really helpful. Giving her horse emblem buffs means that her attack will reach 59 and her speed will reach 50. Adding swift sparrow into that will give her 63 attack and 54 speed. This basically means that she will double everyone unless they have bowbreaker. I gave my Lyn my summoner support.

Lyn’s B Skill, Sacae’s blessing is helpful against units like Hector, which my +Atk Reinhardt cannot defeat, but most of the time, I find it more helpful to have desperation.

I bring Clarine to heal up my Reinhardt, to make sure his Lancebreaker is always active.

Clarine can basically be replaced with any other healer.

Martyr is not helpful, but I’m waiting until the Update 2.0 comes out so I can inherit Rehabilitate+ once that skill is released.

This time around, I don’t have the 40% bonus character, which means I can only get 604 points per perfect clear.

I gave my Olivia the Spur Attack Seal since she is always next to someone when dancing. I could upgrade it, but I would rather upgrade the Hone Speed Seal.

However, during the Tempest Trials Less Than Heroic, I face some really annoying units.

Read the next article to see my list of top 5 most annoying units to face in Tempest Trials.



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