Valter Grand Hero Battle Strategy (Ft. -Atk Reinhardt)

ghb-valter-blogNew content for limited time until 8/28. It’s the Valter Grand Hero Battle!

Valter – Dark Moonstone.

One of Grado’s six generals. Cruelty intoxicates him. Known as Moonstone. Appears in Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones.

In my opinion, this GHB is probably the most exciting new content recently. Reinforcements kept on coming and the difficulty is among the hardest.

But, fear not! I beat it with this strategy . . .

There are 3 modes to battle Valter:

  • Hard with 3 star Valter as the reward
  • Lunatic with 4 stars Valter as the reward
  • Infernal with 4 stars Valter and 2,000 feathers as the reward

There are lots of enemies in the map. In Lunatic mode, we have to defeat 12 enemy units including Valter. In Infernal mode, there are even more enemy units and their stats are ridiculously inflated.

It took me a few tries to figure out the strategy to beat Valter.

Here’s the team I use to defeat Valter.

ghb-valter-team-lunaticI used the exact same team to defeat the Lunatic and Infernal mode. For Infernal mode, I needed to equip Reinhardt with Lance Breaker 2.

  • Klein – 4 stars with vanilla skills. There are lots of flier enemies in the map, so we definitely need an archer. My Klein is +Spd and -Def
  • Reinhardt – 5 stars with full skill inheritance. He’s -Atk. 🙁  If only I have a +Atk, it’ll make it a lot easier
  • Olivia 2x with Ruby sword. They don’t fight at all, but need to be tanky enough to take a few hits.

Even though Reinhardt is -Atk and Klein is neutral Atk, I manage to defeat Lunatic mode without taking any damage from any enemy unit. Infernal mode is a different story though. It’s not forgiving at all. The movement needs to be exact. I need to take into account the cooldown turn for specials. Therefore attacking enemy order is very important.

Here’s the complete video guide

Lunatic mode without taking any damage from enemy

Infernal mode

For this strategy to work properly, Klein’s defense must be -Def. This is to make the axe flier that spawns as a reinforcement (1:34) tries to head towards Klein. If it moves down two spaces instead of moving down one space and moving left one space as shown in the video, that means that Klein’s defense is too high and the flier would rather attack Reinhardt, as the flier will head to whoever it can do the most damage to.

You can try to manipulate Klein’s Def stat by using Life and Death (L&D). With L&D, his Res will be too low to defeat the red mage, since he needs Glacies to be activated. Glacies depends on his Res, and with a lower Res, he’s not able to defeat the red mage. I would recommend Luna. Another option is to give Klein Red Tomebreaker.

Not all skills in the video is needed:

  • Reinhardt doesn’t need draw back, fortify res. For lance breaker, he only needs lance breaker 1.
  • Only 1 Olivia needs the ruby sword, the one that is next to Klein at 3:09. Olivia also doesn’t need spur def seal.
  • Klein doesn’t need HP+3 seal or quick riposte.

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