Pokemon GO – Moltres Raid

Today and yesterday, we went on vacation and visited Portland, Oregon. There, we found a few Moltres Raid Battles and decided to try them out.



We had some friends there to also help us defeat the raid. We had a group of 5 people. On the first raid, the five of us walked a couple of blocks to try out the raid. Upon arrival, there seemed to be no one there, but apparently, there was another person there, presumably in the stores nearby. The six of us defeated the Moltres with 3 seconds to spare. There were a few others there, too, but they arrived too late, and we were running low on potions and revives to quit and let them join. They kept pushing us to join discord, but we didn’t live near Portland, so joining it would be useless.

When we tried to catch the Moltres, we tried the Nanab Berry, Golden Razz Berry strategy. Basically, the first berry you use is the Nanab Berry. It stops the Moltres from moving, so it’s much easier to hit it with the ball. If you don’t use a nanab berry, then it has a much higher chance to deflect your ball or dodge it. After using the nanab berry, the next ball you throw, you equip a Golden Razz Berry, since the effects of the nanab berry lasts for the current ball and the ball afterwards.

So the strategy is to alternate between the nanab berry and the golden razz berry. Sadly, though, none of the five of us caught it.


Today, while hanging out at the Washington Square mall, the fire alarm went off. After the commotion was over we sat around in the food court. A few hours later, we saw a Moltres raid off in the distance. It was too far to walk, so we had to drive. It was hard to get there, as when we needed to park a little bit far away, then walk.

The five of us tried the raid. We all used Vaporeons. We were soooo close, but failed.

A local person approached us and the six of us tried again. We were soooo close again, but failed. The reason we failed was because we all made a few mistakes. Me and my brother errored out (network error) at the last 30 seconds of the raid, so both of us were useless for the last 30 seconds.

Since I didn’t catch the local person’s name, I’m just going to call him “Bob”.

Bob told us that he called some people to come over discord.

Meanwhile, another Moltres raid started not too far from our location. After Bob mentioned that there were two raids close to each other, the discord people started flocking towards us. We ended up with 14 people. We wouldn’t have been able to defeat this raid battle without Bob. I’m grateful for him calling the others here.


The 14 of us easily demolished the Moltres. After all of us failed to catch the Moltres yesterday, four of the five of us managed to catch the Moltres using the Nanab Golden Razz Berry strategy.

Moltres Caught-sirknightj

We quickly raced off to the second raid. There were 16 people this time. Most of the people from the first raid went to the second one.

We, again, demolished the Moltres… Except only 3 of the 5 of us managed to catch it, even though we all used the same strategy.

At least every single one of the five of us managed to catch AT LEAST ONE Moltres.


Moltres is much, much easier to defeat the Lugia. Lugia is very, very tough. With 6 people all around Lv 30, we were able to defeat Moltres if everyone has Vaporeons or other water-type pokemon. We didn’t dodge at all and none of us crashed out the first time, which is why we were able to defeat the Moltres with 3 seconds remaining. You need 7 people to be safe with the Moltres raid, though.

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