Fire Emblem Heroes: Reinhardt, Thunder’s Fist

Reinhardt is the fifth hero I upgraded to 5 stars.

Reinhardt, Thunder’s Fist – Formidable and admired mage knight in Friege’s army. Ever ready to lend an ear to his younger sister, Olwen. Appears in Fire Emblem: Thracia 776.

I got him some time ago. However, I’ve never bothered to send him to battle or level him up even though he is one of the top tier hero in this game. Since the hero I regularly used are already max-out, I said why not give him a try. Let’s see how good he is.



I got him at 4 stars and my version is +HP and -Atk. Since I only have 1 copy of him, currently he’s my only choice. I find that leveling him up to level 40 while he’s a 4 stars hero is actually quite difficult. With his -Atk stats and slow speed, he needed a lot of help to get the exp. However, once I unlocked his potential to 5 stars and got him his Dire Thunder tome, leveling him up is really easy and quick.

  • Dire Thunder Tome – this weapon allows him to attack twice consecutively, basically it’s a brave weapon.
  • Cavalry unit – allows him to move 1 block further than infantry unit
  • Respectable defensive and res stats
  • Low speed – he gets doubled by most heroes
  • Expensive to build
  • Low base rating of 149/150
Skills to Inherit:
  • Reposition or draw back – I find that reposition is the best assist in the game. If you don’t have reposition like I do, draw back is pretty good too.
  • Moonbow/Luna – most people recommend moonbow. However, I use luna as my Reinhardt has -Atk. He needs more help.
  • Death Blow 3 – I think this is a must skill for any heroes with brave weapon. It gives +6 attack if he initiates attack.
  • B and C skills are optional. He doesn’t need them. I gave him Fortify Cavalry so that he can buff his cavalry allies.
  • I gave him Wing of Mercy 2 as I have extra Frederick.
  • He needs allies that can buff his attack stats. He doesn’t really need any other stats boost. Since he can attack twice consecutively, as long as he gets enough attack boost, he’ll most likely defeat the enemy.
  • Since green units and blue mages can defeat him easily, he needs allies that can protect him from them during enemy phase.

After using him in battle many times, I find that he’s a really good player phase hero. He can KO most heroes, but weak against high res green unit (mainly due to -Atk). +Atk nature is his most desired stats as he’ll have 7 more attack compared to his -Atk version. Don’t leave him where green units or blue mages can attack him or he’ll be defeated as he’ll be doubled most of the time. He’s a totally different hero at 4 stars vs 5 stars (like little boy vs. man).

Even with -Atk stats, he’s pretty good. If you have one at 4 stars, upgrade him to 5 stars and use him. He’ll help you conquer most map easier. He’s worth the upgrade.


This is his dialog when he reaches level 40.

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