Fire Emblem Heroes Progress in July

July has just ended and we’re starting new quests again in August. Currently, Battle at the Beach Voting Gauntlet is in progress. I am not sure why but for some reason, I don’t feel like playing the game today. I’d like to step back a bit and evaluate my progress in July.

Nintendo provided quite lots of opportunity for players to obtain orbs for free. In fact, it’s the most orbs they’ve offered so far, even beating the month of release. If we were to complete all of the quests and get all of the bonus, we can obtain up to 305 orbs for free in July. February (the month of release), players can obtain up to 280 orbs for free.

I didn’t get all of those free orbs though. I think I got more than 240 orbs in July. However, I should’ve recorded my progress better. Hopefully in August, I take better notes. I spent all of the orbs on summoning and expanding my barracks.

These are most of the heroes I got from GHB and summoned in July. I’ve merged and inherited some of the heroes to others.


List of 5 stars:
New heroes:
  • Cordelia – Knight Paragon (4 stars)
  • Soren – Shrewd Strategist (4 stars)
  • Boey – Skillful Survivor (4 stars)
  • Camilla – Bewitching Beauty (4 stars)
  • Ogma – Loyal Blade (4 stars)

Since I don’t record it completely, I can only make a best estimate. I think I merged 2-3 heroes and inherited may be 6-8 (most are 3 stars that I upgrade to 4 stars with feathers). In fact, my summon results is 4 (5 stars), 20 (4 stars) and 36 (3 stars). Ratio is about 6% (5 stars), 33% (4 stars) and 60% (3 stars). I’d say that this is mediocre result. I wished that we can trade those duplicated heroes or sell them back for orbs.

If I think about it, the summon rates Nintendo provides are really bad—no wonder they make more than 115 million dollars in less than 6 months from this game. As of this writing, there are 76 total 5 stars heroes: 27 red, 19 blue, 13 green and 17 gray. With only 3% chance to get them. Assuming equal weighted distributions, we have 0.04% chance to get a specific 5 stars hero per summon. The chance to get a specific 5 stars focus hero is 0.75% per summon. Hence, our chance to get a specific 5 stars hero is almost non-existent. It’s very tiny.

I think my strategy of picking only the color I want for specific hero is not a good strategy. It’s probably better to simply summon all of them regardless of colors. I think this will maximize our chance to get any 5 stars unit. The 5 stars hero may not be the one I want, but at least it’s a 5 stars hero.


After writing this, I think I know why I didn’t feel like playing the game today. I was disappointed in my progress. There are lots of heroes in the game, yet I got so many duplicates of the same heroes over and over. There are still lots others that I don’t have. It’s possible that distributions of heroes are not equally weighted. Who knows? Developer hasn’t disclose that information. My progress in collecting heroes does not equal to the effort I put in playing the game. 🙁

I think the developer needs to change the way of introducing new heroes. Currently, they keep adding new 5 stars heroes to the pool. Every time they add new 5 stars heroes, the chance of getting specific 5 stars heroes decreases. They need to stop increasing the pool of 5 stars heroes. They need to increase the pool of 4 stars and 3 stars heroes to.

Possible Suggestions

First of all, limit the pool of 5 stars heroes to 50 heroes; if they introduced 4 new 5 stars heroes, then demote 4 heroes from the current 5 stars heroes pool to 4 stars. Demote 4 heroes from the current 4 stars heroes pool to 3 stars. That way, players don’t get discouraged for getting the same 3 stars heroes over and over again.

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