Fire Emblem Heroes: Lloyd Grand Hero Battle

lloyd_ghbThe Lloyd Grand Hero Battle came back. Not only that, there’s a new infernal mode to fight him. Lloyd is a member of the Black Fang assassins. He delivers justice to those they deem criminals. He’s known as the White Wolf. He’s the son of the group’s leader. He appears in Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade.

This is his inflated stats for the infernal mode.

lloyd_infernal lloyd grand hero battleThis is the map to fight him.

lloyd_map lloyd grand hero battleThat’s the team I used to defeat the infernal mode.

He’s available for about a week, until 7/30. Currently, we can only get him by defeating him in Grand Hero Battle quest. So, get him while you can.

Infernal Mode Stats:

Stats format: HP/Atk/Spd/Def/Res

Axe Flier in the top left has stats 52/51/44/19/35, Silver Axe+, Astra, LnD 3, Lunge, Threaten Spd 3

Axe Fighter below Lloyd has stats 61/49/37/36/28, Hammer+, Bonfire, Fury 3, Lunge, Threaten Def 3

Lloyd has stats 66/51/39/22/33, Regal Blade, Iceberg, Sturdy Blow 2, Pass 3, Threaten Atk 3; The cooldown for his Iceberg is at 1

Lance Cavalier has stats 57/53/27/28/33, Silver Lance+, Reposition, Armored Blow 3, Lunge, Hone Calvary

Bow Cavalier has stats 55/52/25/27/26, Silver Bow+, Moonbow, Death Blow 3, Cancel Affinity 3, Fortify Calvary

Blue Mage has stats 52/47/35/22/31, Thoron+, Swift Sparrow 2, Windsweep 3, Hone Atk 3

Infernal Mode Tips:
  • Be careful as all of the axe users on this map have the B Skill Lunge. The Lance Cavalier also has Lunge.
  • Use Five Star Xander with the Atk+1 seal and Quick Riposte. He can take care of the Bow Cavalier and the Axe Fighter. The Axe Fighter will attack your Xander, they’ll swap places (lunge), then the Bow Cavalier will attack Xander, which will have 1 HP left if Xander doesn’t use the Atk+1 Seal.
  • Don’t use -raven tomes against the Bow Cavalier as he has Cancel Affinity 3.

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