Tempest Trials – Resonating Fangs

We’ve been getting lots of things to do in Fire Emblem Heroes lately. This month Tempest Trials edition is Resonating Fangs. It’s a series of battle where we fight enemies for up to 7 stages with up to 4 teams. We can’t reuse any fallen heroes in this battle, but we can use duplicate fallen heroes if we have extra.

Tempest trials difficulty is dropped a bit this time around. As defeated enemies don’t get re-spawned and don’t get their HP restored, it makes it a lot easier to complete the trials than before. However, it’s actually harder and taking longer for me to obtain the rewards. This is because I don’t have the 40% bonus characters. In addition, I am trying to use other heroes to get Hero Merits (for feathers) and SP (for learning skills). The team I used in previous trials already have max Hero Merits and lots more SP than needed.

Here’s my team:


  • Soren
  • Olivia
  • Sharena
  • Caeda (Bride edition)

With Sharena as my only 20% bonus character, my max score is 604 if I run it to perfection. But, I can’t do that with the team I currently use. Most of my score are between 520 to 579 on each run. In the first tempest trials (last month), I was able to get 705 almost on every run (sometimes 650). So, let’s do the math:

Previous tempest trials: 100,000 / average 680 is about 147 runs
Resonating Fangs trials: 100,000 / average 550 is about 181 runs

It’s super grindy and boring. My score is currently at about 28K with 9 days left. I’m not sure if I can get all of the rewards. We’ll see at the end of the trials.

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