Animal Farm Practice Quiz

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Answers are at the bottom of the test.

Animal Farm Test

  1. Which animals are pigs? (Choose all that apply)
    1. Mollie
    2. Napoleon
    3. Squealer
    4. Boxer
    5. Snowball
    6. Minimus
    7. Bluebell
    8. Jessie
    9. Cheesebob
    10. Jack

  2. Who represents Leon Trotsky?
    1. Mollie
    2. Napoleon
    3. Snowball
    4. Squealer
    5. Boxer
  3. Who represents Czar Nicholas II?
    1. Napoleon
    2. Mr. Jones
    3. Squealer
    4. The dogs
    5. The sheep
  4. Who does Napoleon represent?
    1. Leon Trotsky
    2. Vladimir Lenin
    3. Adolf Hitler
    4. Joseph Stalin
  5. What is the name of the farm the animals live on (hint: it changes at least once in the story)?
    1. Old: Manor Farm, New: Manor Farm, Newest: Animal Farm
    2. Old: Manor Farm, New: Animal Farm, Newest: Manor Farm
    3. Old: Animal Farm, New: Manor Farm, Newest: Animal Farm
    4. Old: Animal Farm, New: Animal Farm, Newest: Manor Farm
  6. No one liked Mr. Jones because…
    1. He is fat
    2. His house is too big
    3. He does not feed the animals properly
    4. His wife constantly yells at the animals
  7. Which of these Communist classes does Mollie fit in?
    1. Proletariat
    2. Bourgeoisie
    3. Bureaucracy
    4. Intelligentsia
    5. None of the above
  8. Why did Napoleon supposedly oppose the building of the windmill?
    1. He wanted to get rid of SnowBall
    2. He didn’t want to work on it
    3. It would take too long to finish
    4. He had no hands, so he couldn’t help work on it
  9. Which are Boxer’s “slogan” or “maxims”? (Choose all that apply)
    1. Napoleon is always right
    2. No one loves me
    3. We always need to work together
    4. I need to work harder
    5. I need to become stronger
  10. What is the Sheep’s “slogan” or “maxim”?
    1. Baa!
    2. No!
    3. Four legs good, two legs bad!
    4. Animals good! Humans bad!
    5. Long live Napoleon!
  11. How did Old Major die?
    1. He was slaughtered
    2. He starved to death
    3. He died peacefully during his sleep
    4. He died from diabetes
  12. Why did Boxer throw away his straw hat?
    1. Because he wanted to throw it away in the fire
    2. He didn’t like it
    3. It was itching his head
    4. It was a symbol for humans/It was a human invention
  13. Napoleon was the only _______ on the farm.
    1. Boar
    2. Pig
    3. Animal
    4. Person
  14. Squealer is a:
    1. Boy
    2. Girl
  15. Who designed the Animalist (green with a hoof and horn) flag?
    1. Squealer
    2. Napoleon
    3. Snowball
    4. Mollie
    5. Jessie
  16. After overthrowing Mr. Jones, whose idea was it to build the windmill originally?
    1. Napoleon
    2. Snowball
    3. Mollie
    4. Boxer
    5. Bluebell
  17. What “excuse” did Napoleon give for taking all of Jessie and Bluebell’s baby dogs?
    1. They are too dangerous
    2. They need to eat more food
    3. He wants to “educate” them
    4. He wants to punish Jessie
  18. What do the animalist animals call each other?
    1. Friend
    2. Neighbor
    3. Fellow animal
    4. Comrade
    5. Slaves
  19. Who does Napoleon sell the farm’s timber to?
    1. Mr. Frederick/Pinchfield Farm
    2. Mr. Pilkington/Foxwood Farm
  20. Where did the missing apples and milk end up?
    1. With the pigs
    2. In the river
    3. They were eaten by Moses
    4. They were never found
  21. What aspect of the Russian Revolution does Squealer represent?
    1. Joseph Stalin
    2. The Czar’s Secret Police
    3. Propagandist Newspapers
    4. George Orwell
  22. Who does Mr. Frederick/Pinchfield Farm represent during the Russian Revolution?
    1. Adolf Hitler
    2. Kim Jong-Un
    3. Leon Trotsky
    4. Czar Nicholas II
    5. USA/UK
    6. China
    7. India
  23. Who does Mr. Pilkington/Foxwood Farm represent during the Russian Revolution?
    1. Adolf Hitler
    2. Kim Jong-Un
    3. Leon Trotsky
    4. Czar Nicholas II
    5. USA/UK
    6. China
    7. India
  24. Which animal helped spread Animalism to other farms?
    1. Horses
    2. Dogs
    3. Pigeons
    4. Fish
  25. After the Battle of Cowshed, who was awarded first place (Animal Hero, First Class)?
    1. Snowball and Boxer
    2. Napoleon and Squealer
    3. The pigs
    4. Snowball and Napoleon
    5. None of the above
  26. After the Battle of Cowshed, who was awarded second place (Animal Hero, Second Class)?
    1. Squealer
    2. Boxer
    3. Napoleon
    4. Dead Sheep
    5. None of the above
  27. After confessing what they have done wrong to Napoleon, the animals were slaughtered. Many died. What did this represent during the Russian Revolution?
    1. The Russian Massacre
    2. The Great Killing
    3. The Slaughter of Mankind
    4. The Great Purge
  28. Who created the poem/song to replace the Beasts of England? It’s title is “Comrade Napoleon”.
    1. The Sheep
    2. Minimus
    3. Napoleon
    4. Boxer
    5. All the animals
  29. The animals eventually started trading with humans. What was squealer’s explanation for why they had to?
    1. To obtain certain necessary materials
    2. To earn money
    3. They needed more equipment
    4. They wanted to buy whiskey with the money
  30. Who, one night, was nearly caught changing the commandments?
    1. Napoleon
    2. Boxer
    3. Jessie
    4. Squealer
  31. How does Squealer explain the mysterious changing of the commandments?
    1. Their memories are at fault
    2. They can’t read
    3. They only remembered rumors
    4. They only remembered lies
    5. None of the above
  32. What is the “turning point” of the Battle of the Windmill?
    1. When the humans blew up the windmill
    2. When Napoleon was shot in the tail
    3. When the sky turned dark
    4. When Showball was shot in the back
  33. In Chapter VIII, Squealer says Napoleon is dying. He also changes commandment 5. Why was Napoleon “dying”?
    1. He was too old
    2. He thought too hard on math
    3. He was having a hangover
    4. It was a lie, Napoleon was just fine
  34. What was the purpose of Napoleon’s cockerel?
    1. To taste his food to make sure his food wasn’t poisoned
    2. To make sure his bed was made
    3. To announce Napoleon’s presence
    4. To guard the chickens
  35. Where did the Napoleon/Squealer tell the other animals Boxer was headed off to when he was dying?
    1. The knacker’s
    2. To a doctor
    3. To a vet
    4. To Pinchfield Farm
    5. None of the above
  36. Where did the pigs actually send Boxer when he was dying?
    1. The knacker’s
    2. To a doctor
    3. To a vet
    4. To Pinchfield Farm
    5. None of the above
  37. How was the barley used?
    1. To feed the animals
    2. To make porridge
    3. To make wine/whiskey
    4. To sell
  38. At the end of the book, how have the sheep’s chant changed?
    1. “Four legs good, two legs better”
    2. “Four legs bad, two legs good”
    3. “Pigs are always right”
    4. “Four legs good, two legs bad”
    5. It hasn’t changed
  39. At the end of the book, Napoleon weighed 24 stone. What did all the pigs do that was extremely unusual?
    1. They were all fat
    2. They were all skinny
    3. They all weighed more than 20 stone
    4. They all walked on two legs


  1. A, B, E, F
  2. C
  3. B
  4. D
  5. B
  6. C
  7. B
  8. A
  9. A, D
  10. C
  11. C
  12. D
  13. A
  14. A
  15. C
  16. B
  17. C
  18. D
  19. A
  20. A
  21. C
  22. A
  23. E
  24. C
  25. A (there were two winners)
  26. D
  27. D
  28. B
  29. A
  30. D
  31. A
  32. A
  33. C
  34. C
  35. B
  36. A
  37. C
  38. A
  39. D

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