BTD Battles Mobile Strategy

This works about 70% of the time, or so I’ve played.

I usually play the battle arenas on lead dungeon.

Get the banana farm, dart monkey, and sniper monkey.

First, get a banana farm on round one. Use one road spikes to keep it no lives lost. Before round 2, get your banana farm up to 1-0 (1 upgrade on the left and 0 on the right).

On round 2, get a 3-0 dart monkey and then save up for another farm. This should hold off the reds if your opponent sends some.

At or slightly before round 4, you should have two 1-0 farms. If you’re on a map that can’t fit two farms, such as the snowy castle, then upgrade your farm to a 2-0.

On round 4 get another 3-0 dart monkey. You now should have two 2-0 dart monkeys.

Get another 1-0 farm before round 6. If you can’t fit any more farms, just upgrade your current farms to 2-0. If you can only fit one farm, then just continue building 3-0 dart monkeys.

You should build one 3-0 dart monkey every two rounds. On round 2 you should have one, on round 4 you should have two, on round 6 you should have 3… etc until round 10.

On round 10, wait for your opponent to send you leads. Then quickly build your sniper to 1-0 and put it on “strong”, so it attacks the strong bloons or if you have enough money, , then build a juggernaut. On round 11, upgrade all your 3-0 dart monkeys to 3-2.


Sell two of your farms (preferably the 1-0s)

  • If your opponent does NOT have a 3-0 boomerang or 4-2 cannon or 3-2 monkey ace (camo detection) or 4-2 ninja [or basically not enough grouped popping power]
    • Send non-camo regrow rainbows/zebras
  • If your opponent has a 3-0 boomerang or a 4-2 cannon and does NOT have a 4-2 ninja or 3-2 camo-detecting monkey ace [basically not enough camo-detection]
    • Send a couple regrow-camo zebras/rainbows, as much as you can afford
  • If your opponent has a 4-2 nuclear submarine, 3-2 monkey ace, or 4-2 ninja
    • Wait until round 15 to sell your farms and send a bunch of grouped regrow leads


If your rush fails, you can wait for their battle energy runs out. If they didn’t use any battle energy, then use the method down below. If  they used their battle energy, then sell your last farm and use the bloon energy to rush with whatever you just rushed with.

If your opponent defended your rush with no battle energy:

  • As soon as possible, rebuild your farm
  • To prepare in case your opponent counter-rushes you:
    • Build lots of 3-2 dart monkeys, probably 10 by round 18
    • Build at least 3 juggernauts
  • If your opponent rushes you on round 18, 20, or 22 with MOAB-class bloons:
    • Decide whether to defend or counter-rush
    • Counter-Rush:
      • Find your opponent’s weakness
      • Camos:
        • Sell your farms and send lots of camo pinks OR regrow camo zebras/rainbows OR camo ceramics with the bloon energy
        • Hope s/he dies first
      • Bloons:
        • Use bloon energy. You get 3 for free, so why not?
        • You can try a HUGE regrow-rainbow rush
          • Sometimes works, you kind of need experience to know if your opponent’s towers can defend it
        • You can try sending fast-cooldown moabs if he sends you BFBs
        • Try to find their weakness and rush with something that they can’t defend, such as regrow leads if they have a bunch of moab maulers in the front, because they will cause the leads to regrow.
      • Keep calm. Whenever this happens to me, and my opponent starts to rush me, I get all shaky and can’t sell my farms and evaluate my opponent’s weakness.
    • Defend:
      • Sell your farms
      • If you can afford a 4-0/4-2 dart monkey, then get one and use its ability
      • If you can afford a 4-2 sniper, which causes about $2,000 for the 3-0 upgrade and $5,000 for the 4-0 upgrade, get one and put it on strong.
      • Build lots 3-0 dart monkeys
      • Build some juggernauts
      • Don’t wait too late to use your battle energy
  • Wait till round 22, sell your farms and send one ZOMG and right after, send a couple fast-cooldown BFBs
    • Make sure to keep around $1,000-2,000 in case he counters you with some bloons
    • Not many people can survive this. Your opponent may:
      • Counter you with fast-cooldown MOABs  or regrow-camo rainbows
      • Try to defend
    • If he survives, he may sell most of his towers to rush you
      • You can counter if he sends moabs, because they are slow, with like regrow rainbows or camo-pinks, whichever you think will kill your opponent

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