Starting Twitch


So far, after about 2 weeks, Twitch has been a great experience. On average, I get roughly 3-5 viewers at one time.

Whenever I stream, people are quite active and participate in chat.

Twitch is so good.

I haven’t installed a bot yet, I probably should.

Maybe moobot?

I enjoy streaming, especially since the chat encourages me a lot.


  • Have a schedule
  • Don’t expect to become popular fast. It takes time.
  • Have a microphone – people like hearing your voice, even if you don’t like listening to it yourself
  • Interact with the chat – people will follow you if you let the viewers play with you
  • Be nice – don’t swear, so you can attract younger viewers as well
  • Be persistent – I’ve been streaming for 2 weeks, getting a MAX of 7 viewers. Keep streaming and eventually more people will play with you

Eventually, I should become more popular…

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