15 MORE keyboard shortcuts in 47 seconds

Today, I made a video on 15 more keyboard shortcuts. Since the first video turned out quite well, I decided to make a second one. It was quite a challenge making it exactly 47 seconds.

I tried to make it, but I had to re-record most of it because I was talking too slow…..


  1. F3 = Search for a file
  2. Ctrl + R = Refresh
  3. Windows + D = Desktop
  4. Windows + M = Minimize all windows
  5. Windows + L = Lock
  6. Ctrl + Shift + Esc = Task manager
  7. Ctrl + D = Delete
  8. Shift + Delete = Permanent delete
  9. Ctrl + F = Find
  10. Ctrl + E = Align text center
  11. Ctrl + B = Bold
  12. Ctrl + I = Italicize
  13. Ctrl + U = Underline
  14. Ctrl + [ or ] = Change font size
  15. Ctrl + Shift + , or . = change font size

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