Upcoming YouTube Video + Halo: Reach

I am in the middle of making a new YouTube video. It is about keyboard shortcuts. I learned about these keyboard shortcuts from my friend, dad, the internet, and myself from exploring. Also, I shall tell you a few:

  • CTRL + [scroll] = zoom in/out
  • CTRL + = = zoom in
  • CTRL + – = zoom out
  • CTRL + X = cut

I love making tutorial videos.

In addition, in Halo: Reach, I have leveled up from a Major Grade III to a Lieutenant Colonel.
The ranks in Halo: Reach go like this:

  • Recruit
  • Private
  • Corporal
  • Corporal Grade I
  • Sergeant
  • Sergeant Grade I, II
  • Warrant Officer
  • Warrant Officer I, II, III
  • Captain
  • Captain Grade I, II, III
  • Major
  • Major Grade I, II, III
  • Lt. Colonel
  • Lt. Colonel Grade I, II, III
  • Commander
  • Commander Grade I, II, III
  • Colonel
  • Colonel Grade I, II, III
  • Brigadier
  • Brigadier Grade I, II, III
  • General
  • General Grade I, II, III, IV
  • Field Marshall
  • Hero
  • Legend
  • Mythic
  • Noble
  • Eclipse
  • Nova
  • Forerunner
  • Reclaimer
  • Inheritor <– Final rank

To get to Inheritor, you need 20,000,000 lifetime credits, which is absolutely ridiculous, considering, I, currently only have 1/2 million credits so far.

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